Monday, 19 March 2012

Nightclub - Modern Map

I made this map, using Campaign Cartographer 3, some years ago for my BTVS rpg campaign. I remember the slayer character turning hand-springs on the bar. Awesome.

If you can use this map, then you have my permission to do so for your personal use. Download it from here.

The Mysterious Tower

I made these maps, using Campaign Cartographer 3  for my Basic Fantasy campaign.This was an attempt at mapping in the style of classic D&D modules. It was something I did for my own amusement and it became the first scenario in the campaign.

If you can use these maps, then you have my permission to do so for your personal use. Download them from here and here.

Camp at the Bridge

I made this map, using Campaign Cartographer 3  for my Basic Fantasy campaign. The evil baron's soldiers are camped at the bridge. To the east of the river the soldiers are camped, to the west of the river is a small encampment of orcs who also serve the baron.

If you can use this map, then you have my permission to do so for your personal use. Download it from here.

Bullywug Lair

I made this map, using Campaign Cartographer 3  for my Basic Fantasy campaign. The PCs had to enter the bullywug lair to rescue captured villagers. The lair consistes of sunken pit dwellings contected by underground tunnels. The entrance to the lair was a hole in the ground above the square chamber at the bottom of the map.

If you can use this map, then you have my permission to do so for your personal use. Download it from here.